Does your mascot need an update?
Some companies may not realize it, but nowadays having a mascot is just as important (and possibly more important) than having a logo. Using a mascot for your business not only increases your chances of being noticed, but it also makes your business a lot more memorable.
Many of the larger companies that we work with know the benefits of having a mascot and therefore also know the importance of keeping their mascots up to date with the times in order for them to continue to benefit from them in the future.
On average a typical , well made, mascotbuys can last for about 15-20 years. Unfortunately, there is not a large number of successful companies out there that can say using they same advertisement or campaign for the last 20 years has worked for them. Strong companies adapt to the times just as a successful mascots should grow with the company.
New and Improved Mascots from Mascotbuys!
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